3601 Minnesota DriveChiropractic & Treatment Services Spinal and extremity manipulations: The doctor is highly skilled in chiropractic procedures. Muscle testing (kinesiology) examination throughout every treatment provides pin point diagnosis to know the location of the cause and how best to accomplish the correction. Multiple techniques are available including: Traditional hands-on adjustments of all the body's joints where necessary. Acupuncture Treatments Acupuncture can be an effective choice for pain relief, condition treatment and prevention of illness or maintaining wellness for life. The doctor can recommend adjunctive acupuncture to treat low back pain, carpal tunnel or other recurrent musculoskeletal issues. Acupuncture can also be used to treat the whole body for health problems such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel, infertility and many other conditions. (Please click on the Acupuncture tab for more information on types of condition that the doctor has had success with, and the technology breakthrough called Digital Meridian Imaging to diagnose the acupuncture imbalanced energy channels) We offer traditional needle insertion technique that is typically not a painful experience but rather a relaxing one. We also offer non-needle treatment including the amazing Low Level Laser Therapy (soft medical laser). Laser therapy has many years of scientific research proving its' effectiveness to heal tissue. Microcurrent electrical stimulation is another non-needle alternative that has a gentle minimal sensation. Nutritional Therapy Many patients are consuming a diet that is lacking in some of the basic nutrients. When there is an injury or health condition, the nutritional needs can be amplified. The doctor has an extensive background in clinical nutrition and may recommend specific nutritional supplements to aid in the recovery of the health problem. (Please click on the Nutritional /Functional Medicine tab for additional information) Additional Diagnostic Procedures Many of our patients come from all over the world in the quest to identify the cause of their health problem. The doctor has years of experience in a variety of conventional medical tests such as MRIs, CT scans, x-rays, blood tests, etc. that may need to be done to understand the root cause. In addition, alternative tests can be implemented that go to a deeper level of assessment including the following: Take your health and quality of life to new levels!
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