Dr. Mayfield has been treating various childhood neurological disorders for many years. He was a Defeat Autism Now! clinician for many years and this is a biomedical approach to autism and related brain conditions. He has been leading post-graduate educational programs for doctors in the area of autism that focuses on dietary plans, nutritional supplementation and detoxification strategies.
The estimated rate of occurrence of autism is now 1 out of 150 children. Whether it is ADD, ADHD, miscellaneous developmental delays, autism, etc., it is also estimated that 1 out of 6 children has one of these conditions. The standard of care approach is typically a pharmaceutical one using amphetamine-like stimulants, anti-psychosis drugs, and various therapies in speech and behavior.
The biomedical approach can be very helpful in these children as many also have digestive difficulties, food cravings, skin disorders, etc.
A Typical Patient Intake
New Patient office visit:
1) History forms filled out and brought to the office
2) 30-60 minute consultation with the doctor
3) First step instructions for essential laboratory testing, dietary changes and nutrients
Follow up visit:
1) A review of pertinent laboratory findings 2) Customized dietary and nutritional supplementation of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, antioxidants, etc.
Areas of focus
Oxidative stress: elevation of oxidized molecules damaging the healthy tissues of the body, including the brain. Assessment and therapy to reduce this priority issue is vital. Mitochondrial impairment is a common issue in ASD children, and free radical damage has to be minimized to promote any recovery. Glutathione restoration therapies are primary considerations.
Gastrointestinal Restoration: dietary shift from unhealthy or reactive food groups, anti-microbial agents, prebiotic and probiotic supplementation, digestive enzymes. Underlying immune reactions to foods and additives beyond gluten and casein. Bacteria, yeast/fungus, parasite overgrowth needs to be assessed as a front line issue.
Nutritional supplementation: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients.
We focus on these areas for two reasons. First, these are the core elements regulating the body's ability to control brain function, repair itself, rid itself of environmental toxins, and coordinate internal physiology. Secondly, these are the areas we can repair in order to restore proper function. These metabolic areas are not typically amenable to drug therapy.
Improvements that are possible with biomedical interventions...